Food is well decorated, with a few stylish additions to hide the toast and knife and forks from prying eyes.
The interior is scraped down blocky wood with a few bar-stools to take care of the proposed mac-wielding aspiring writers, sadly absent. The chairs are professionally designed to poke metal bars into your anterior, while the polyester table covers remain unironed to attract aspiring bachelors.
Atmosphere: The staff don't understand the concept of Inside Voice, or customer experience, it's wall-to-wall yakyakyakyak at obtuse angles. Skater music grinds the ear rails. Not a place for a quiet cuppa and reflection, and thus the interior is empty, even at lunch time. A minimalist design.
The Number 1 reason coffee shops fail: Atmosphere. It's more important than the coffee. People can get coffee and food at home, they go out for a quiet place to chat, read, or work on their novel.
Coffee: 5
Atmosphere: 1
Interior: 4
Beach Road, Strand.
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