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We're genetically programmed to avoid places with bad water. So I dig up the dirt on the best and worst coffee around Cape Town and South Africa.
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Cafe Neo,Mouille Point, ★★★★

Cappuccino with velvet crema : R16  (Mogambo)
Truly delicious flavour from the top of the crema to the last sip; a full body roast that is quite notable. No sugar required.
Some bitters make you bitter, this bitter is a delicious caramelly bitter - a lingering aftertaste like a massage from a swedish blonde.
Goodish service, though waiters disappear at times. There's a good view of the ocean and the lighthouse across beach road. Just don't go when it's hot and the sewerage is pumping into the ocean.
There's only 1 menu and it's written on the kitchen wall, so if you're behind a pillar you'll have to work for your food. Luckily the food is pretty good.

Cafe Neo, 129 Beach Road, Mouille Point. Opposite the Lighthouse.

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